A full-service ICT infrastructure provider optimises equipment intervention and audit efficiency with on-metal NFC labels.



Flexible and secured server identification A large ICT infrastructure provider needed a flexible and secure server identification solution to maximise equipment intervention and audit efficiency while maintaining physical server location flexibility. In addition, both in-house professionals and external
partners needed to be able to identify specific servers to various degrees.



On-metal NFC labels printable on site Brady proposed on-metal RFID labels with embedded Near Field Communication (NFC) chips and a print & program solution
with custom-developed Brady software. The on-metal RFID NFC labels can enable Near Field Communication (NFC) with the latest smartphones or tablets in close

proximity, even when applied on metal surfaces. Brady pre-programmed the chips
to include 2 layers of information. A top layer is accessible to in-house professionals, as well as external contractors, and a deep security layer remains hidden to all, except in-house administrators. Only professionals who are performing relevant maintenance interventions can read any of the label chip layers with RFID pens linked to their user set-up. In addition, Brady printed a human-readable code on every NFC label. Brady wrote a custom Windows 10 touchscreen software app for the customer’s tablets to enable relevant chip reading with RFID pens. The customer can easily set up a user or admin, and provide them with the tablet and pen to perform a server intervention, all while safeguarding identification data security on other servers in the same rack or data center room. Brady also provided a print & program solution to easily create additional labels in the data center, or to rewrite any label chips in the event of physical server relocations. Label chip rewrites require administrator user access, the tablet, and the pen, and they are limited to predefined data sets needed to facilitate physical server relocation.

Double-layered, secured flexible rack identification

Intervention efficiency and security in the customer’s data centers have been optimised with on-metal RFID NFC labels. Labels can easily be printed and programmed at the data center, or reprogrammed when physical servers need relocation. Each label offers a human-readable code and a secured and layered NFC signal that can be read with preprogrammed tablets and RFID pens, which can be linked to a user or admin profile.