• A Scafftag should be fitted at all access points (normally ladder access) from first build stage and remain on the structure until dismantle • Record all important details relating to the scaffold class, contact details etc. • Record the signature, time and date of up to 12 inspections per insert • Holder loop compatible with both Tube and Clip and System scaffolding

Scafftag MK1 Kit


The world leading Visual Tagging System for scaffolding to help prevent working
at height hazards and manage scaffolding inspection procedures.

• A Scafftag should be fitted at all access points (normally ladder access) from first build stage and remain on the structure until dismantle
• Record all important details relating to the scaffolding build
• Record the signature, time and date of up to 12 inspections per insert
• Holder loop compatible with both Tube and Clip and System scaffolding



10 X Scafftag MK1 Holders

20 X Scafftag MK1 Inserts

1 X Pen